
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher in the GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania

    GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania
    Research on computer vision and robotics with and without event cameras, under the supervision of Prof. Kostas Daniilidis, and Prof. Pratik Chaudhari.
  2. Software Developer at F&P Robotics

    F&P Robotics
    Intership and part-time job at F&P Personal Robotics as a software developer on artificial intelligence and context management for service robotics.


  1. Ph.D. Computer Vision and Robotics

    University of Zurich
    Graduated with Summa Cum Laude (6.0/6.0) with my thesis titled Efficient, Data-driven Perception with Event Cameras, supervised by Prof. Davide Scaramuzza. A special thanks to my reviewers who were Prof. Kostas Daniilidis, Prof. Andreas Geiger, and Prof. Marc Pollefeys.
  2. MSc Mechanical Engineering

    ETH Zurich

    GPA: 6.0/6.0

    Courses focused on computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence. My master thesis was on designing an asynchronous, high-speed feature trackers with event and frame-based cameras, at the Robotics and Perception Group (RPG) under the supervision of Davide Scaramuzza.

  3. BSc Mechanical Engineering

    ETH Zurich
    GPA: 5.6/6.0 My bachelor thesis was on the design of humidity filters for breath analysis at the Particle Technology Lab (PTL) under the supervision of Sotiris Pratsinis.
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills
ETH Medal
ETH Zurich ∙ May 2019
I won the ETH Medal for the best Master’s Thesis of the year in mechanical engineering. My thesis, titled “Asynchronous, Photometric Feature Tracking with Events and Frames”, was published in ECCV 2018, received an oral, and was invited by IJCV for a journal extension. I completed this thesis at the Robotics and Perception Group under the supervision of Davide Scaramuzza.
Willi Studer Prize
ETH Zurich ∙ May 2019
I won the Willi Studer Prize for the highest GPA (6.0/6.0) of the year in mechanical engineering.
UZH Annual Award
University of Zurich ∙ April 2023
For my thesis titled “Efficient, Data-driven Perception with Event Cameras” I won the prestigious UZH Annual Award, which is given for the best Ph.D. within the department of informatics at the University of Zurich.
Best Presentation Award at the ONSVP workshop at ICRA 2021 in Xi’an
ONSVP Comittee ∙ June 2021
Our paper on “Event-based Asynchronous Sparse Convolutional Networks” was selected for the best presentation award, in the On- and Near-sensor Vision Processing (ONSVP) workshop, at ICRA 2021 in Xi’an.
NCCR Swiss Robotics Master Award
NCCR Robotics ∙ November 2022
The work by Michelle Rüegg that contributed to the paper “Combining Events and Frames using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction”, presented at RA-L 2021 lead to the NCCR Swiss Robotics Master Award
UZH Master Thesis Award
UZH ∙ April 2023
The work by Asude Aydin that contributed to the paper “A Hybrid ANN-SNN Architecture for Low-Power and Low-Latency Visual Perception” at a CVPR Workshop 2024 lead to a UZH Master Thesis Award.