Multi-Bracket High Dynamic Range Imaging with Event Cameras

Jun 19, 2022·
Nico Messikommer
Stamatios Georgoulis
Daniel Gehrig
Stepan Tulyakov
Julius Erbach
Alfredo Bochicchio
Yuanyou Li
Davide Scaramuzza
· 1 min read
Modern high dynamic range (HDR) imaging pipelines align and fuse multiple low dynamic range (LDR) images captured at different exposure times. While these methods work well in static scenes, dynamic scenes remain a challenge since the LDR images still suffer from saturation and noise. In such scenarios, event cameras would be a valid complement, thanks to their higher temporal resolution and dynamic range. In this paper, we propose the first multi- bracket HDR pipeline combining a standard camera with an event camera. Our results show better overall robustness when using events, with improvements in PSNR by up to 5dB on synthetic data and up to 0.7dB on real-world data. We also introduce a new dataset containing bracketed LDR images with aligned events and HDR ground truth.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)

This paper lead to the following patent with Huawei RC Zurich!

Stamatios Georgoulis, Nico Messikommer, Stepan Tulyakov, Julius Erbach, Alfredo Bochic- chio, Daniel Gehrig, Yuanyou Li, and Davide Scaramuzza, HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE IMAGING DEVICE AND METHOD OF GENERATING A HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE IMAGE, WO/2023/083466, Published 19.05.2023